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育碧公布了''刺客信条:团结'' 的多个收藏版本。
== 育碧公布了''刺客信条:''大革命的多个收藏版本。 ==

2014年10月24日 (五) 13:37的版本



[{{{网站}}} 网站]


是一款将在2014年发售的沙盒动作冒险游戏,是2013年的刺客信条IV:黑旗 的续作。团结 讲述了一位名为阿尔诺·多里安刺客法国大革命时期的故事。游戏仅登陆PlayStation 4,Xbox One和PC。本作将在2014年11月11日发售。[1]



游戏的创意总监是亚历山大·阿曼西奥,他也曾担任2011年的刺客信条:启示录 的创意总监,而游戏主笔是辐射:新维加斯 的制作人特拉维斯·斯托特[3]



As the game is exclusive to next-generation consoles and PC, it will enable renderings of 巴黎 to 1:1 scale and crowds numbering in the thousands. Players will able to explore the city's entirety, including seamless interiors and the catacombs. Even empty buildings may have unlockable rooms with treasures inside.[4][5] Map icons will be visible when standing on rooftops after using Viewpoints.[6][7]

Haystacks have been largely removed in favor of allowing players to control their descent from rooftops, and the controls for freerunning up and down are now separate.[8] Social Stealth has received a special crouching mode activated by button, and combat has been made more tactical to feel more realistic: counter kills are now gone.[4]

For memories, instead of the player being given a series of objectives, Ubisoft have developed the Adaptive Mission Mechanic giving players several potential paths to complete a mission eg. choosing to stalk a target will lead to a chase if they detect you, as opposed to causing desynchronization.[5]

The Assassins' weapons and appearance are customizable, while experience gained can be spent on combat, navigation or stealth abilities.[5] Arno possesses 鹰眼脉冲, which allows him to sense how many guards are in a location he intends to infiltrate. Like other skills, it can be upgraded with experience points at the player's discretion.[6]

现代部分将回归,但与黑旗 中的阿布斯泰戈娱乐设定有所不同。[5]


“Assassins do not only embark on their own quests (like Ezio avenging his family), they have to pay their dues to the Assassin council. So players will have to complete what we call Brotherhood missions, in shared experience, to fulfil their duties towards the Assassins.”
―Alex Amancio on the reason behind cooperative gameplay.[[来源]]

Following the success of Wolfpack in Assassin's Creed III and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Assassin's Creed: Unity is the first game in the series to introduce campaign co-op. Up to four players can take on story-based missions including sabotaging an execution, protecting an emperor or assassinating a target.[1]

合作游玩开始于酒馆,玩家在这里会看见正在进行游戏的朋友的“幽灵”坐在那里。接近幽灵就可以建立加入朋友游戏任务的请求,双方都会载入任务最近的检查点。[8] Amancio expected players will spend a third of their time in coop mode.[4]


The development team had intended for players to choose the co-op characters' gender, but it was abandoned due to time constraints. "It's double the animations, it's double the voices, all that stuff and double the visual assets," Amancio explained. "Especially because we have customizable assassins. It was really a lot of extra production work."[9]

Assassin's Creed III animation director Jonathan Cooper criticized this reason, stating, "In my educated opinion, I would estimate this to be a day or two's work. Not a replacement of 8000 animations," explaining "Walk/run cycles and idles are the easiest way to define a character. Everything else is androgynous."[10] He also revealed Aveline de Grandpré shared more animations with Ratonhnhaké:ton than Edward Kenway.[11]

Ubisoft issued the following statement:

"Assassin's Creed Unity is focused on the story of the lead character, Arno. Whether playing by yourself or with the co-op Shared Experiences, you the gamer will always be playing as Arno, complete with his broad range of gear and skill sets that will make you feel unique. With regard to diversity in our playable Assassins, we've featured Aveline, Connor, Adéwalé and Altaïr in Assassin's Creed games and we continue to look at showcasing diverse characters. We look forward to introducing you to some of the strong female characters in Assassin's Creed Unity."



Unity-Bastille edition
  • 一份零售版刺客信条:团结 游戏。
  • 一个特大铁盒。
  • 一份官方原声集。
  • 一本官方美术集。
  • 两张平版印刷画。
  • 两个独占单人任务:化学革命美国囚犯

Unity-Collectors edition
  • 一份零售版刺客信条:团结 游戏。
  • 一个收藏版盒装。
  • 一份官方原声集。
  • 一本官方美术集。
  • 一个16英寸阿尔诺手办。
  • 一个音乐盒。
  • 两个独占单人任务:化学革命和死于科学

Unity-GameStop edition
  • 一份零售版刺客信条:团结 游戏。
  • 一件独占武器:剃刀头长矛。
  • 一个独占单人任务:化学革命。
  • 一个“旋转赢取”的机会。

Unity-Guillatine edition
  • 一份零售版刺客信条:团结 游戏。
  • 一个收藏版盒装。
  • 一个铁盒。
  • 一份官方原声集。
  • 一本官方美术集。
  • 阿尔诺断头台手办。
  • 一份秘密巴黎地图。
  • 一张加框帆布印刷画。
  • 两张平版印刷画。
  • 一份定制版塔罗牌游戏。
  • 一个音乐盒。
  • 两个独占单人任务。
  • 独占武器和外观。

Unity-Notre Dame edition
  • 一份零售版刺客信条:团结 游戏。
  • 一个收藏版盒装。
  • 一份官方原声集。
  • 一本官方美术集。
  • 一个39.5厘米高阿尔诺手办。
  • 两个独占单人任务:化学革命和美国囚犯。

Unity-Special edition
  • 一份零售版刺客信条:团结 游戏。
  • 一个独占单人任务:化学革命。
  • 皇家兵工厂独占武器和外观包。

